drama queen
as primeiras impressões não são decisivas
às vezes são fatais mas não decisivas
agustina bessa luís
posted by SCS
dezembro 30, 2009
publicidade - Vira Vento -
posted by SCS
dezembro 29, 2009
absolut wish
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar sigmund freud
posted by SCS
dezembro 28, 2009
la chambre de marie
a word does not frighten the man who, in acting, feels no fear
posted by SCS
dezembro 26, 2009
oh, happy day
posted by SCS
dezembro 25, 2009
digg this
with other people she can play humans
with me, it's completely non-human characters
tim burton
posted by SCS
dezembro 23, 2009
i was an overnight sensation
elvis presley
posted by SCS
dezembro 21, 2009
aqui só tu tens segredos
nobody wants to be here and nobody wants to leave
cormac mccarthy
posted by SCS
dezembro 19, 2009
publicidade - Vira Vento -
posted by SCS
dezembro 18, 2009
very well! go to! i cannot go to, man; nor 'tis
not very well: nay, i think it is scurvy, and begin
to find myself fopp'd in it
william shakespeare
posted by SCS
dezembro 17, 2009
we never really know what stupidity is until we have experimented on ourselves
paul gauguin
posted by SCS
dezembro 16, 2009
people are strange
laughter is america's most important export
walt disney
posted by SCS
dezembro 15, 2009
a dama das camélias
curiosity is one of the forms of feminine bravery
victor hugo
posted by SCS
dezembro 12, 2009
os cães ladram e a dona ana passa
posted by SCS
dezembro 09, 2009
bamboo structures
i don't get nervous in any situation
there's no such thing as nerves when you're playing games
shaquille o'neal
posted by SCS
dezembro 08, 2009
filtro de cartão
if you want a guarantee, buy a toaster
clint eastwood
posted by SCS
dezembro 04, 2009